Decision Cost Analysis Web Demo Registration Form

  • Get hands-on experience with a web-based demo of Decision Cost Analysis.
  • This demo has much of the functionality of the downloadable product but does not have the historical data and graphical displays.
  • The demo is pre-loaded with test data. You may change any green colored cell (light or dark).
  • Press the RESET button the restore the demo to its original state.
  • The demo will first open the Project-Parameters worksheet where you may enter the # of meeting days, the # of participants, etc.
  • Switch to the Decision-Cost-Calculations to view the total meeting cost and various metrics.
  • You may adjust any of the calculated costs on any row by changing the Load Factor (weighting factor) to a fractional (or whole) amount

By Submitting this Form, I grant you permission to follow up with me!

Your Role in Your Organization: (required)
Senior Management
Middle Management
Human Resources
Meeting Planner